iNSmart Code

Weirdest software bugs

In this blog post, we will write some of the weirdest software bugs shared by developers across the world.
A software bug is an error, flaw, failure or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways. However, usually we see examples of how software bugs slip through the net and make it into the final product.


When they replaced Google Maps with Apple Maps on iOS 6 in 2012, they managed to put a pause on customer’s endless adoration. The update was nothing more than a product of corporate politics — Apple no longer wanted to be tied to Google’s application, so they made their own version.  Although, in Apple’s haste to release the latest and greatest map app, they made some unforgivable lapses in navigation warranting the #ios6apocalypse hashtag. Just a few of the many Apple Maps fails include erased cities, buildings disappearing, flattened landmarks, duplicated islands, warped graphics, and false location data.

Please insert disc into phone

Back in 2013, there were reports that the Windows Phone 8 had managed to present an error message explaining that Windows failed to load, requesting the user to ‘insert a Windows installation disc’. Fortunately, this was not a mainstream issue but one triggered by firmware changes so not something the average user would ever see.

Sending selfies to the wrong person

One of the strangest smartphone bugs started taking place in the default Android Messaging Application in 2010. Users reported having some of their SMS communications sent to a different person.It’s easy to imagine the staggering results of sensitive information ending up in front of a random phone contact. Fortunately a solution was deployed in 2011.

AT&T (1990)

AT&T’s long distance phone network became disabled after a software bug caused switches to continuously reset. It was estimated AT&T lost $60 million in potential charges.